Anger Management Therapy in Surrey

Anger Management Surrey is important

What is Anger Management Surrey Services?

Anger is a common and normal emotion. However, there are moments when anger is uncontrolled or misplaced, often directed at others and even yourself. In this case, anger management Surrey is extremely beneficial in determining causes and triggers, and for providing strategies to control your anger.


  • Frequent shouting and yelling
  • Frequent snapping at others
  • Expressing your anger verbally or physically
  • Passive-aggressive behaviour like sarcasm, sulking or the silent treatment
  • Feeling persistently angry
  • Feeling anger at small or petty things
  • Irritability
  • Regular arguments
  • Feeling rage and frustration
  • Feeling guilty after angry outbursts
  • Stress
  • Overwhelm
  • Cursing at others in an abusive manner
  • Inward and outward aggression
  • Headaches


We offer a safe, validating, and judgment-free environment for you to share your feelings and experiences, so you can manage your emotions in a safe and healthy manner. Anger Management Surrey services can help you to change your life for the better.

  • During our 50-minute sessions, we determine how long you have been feeling angry and help you process life events that may be causing your anger
  • We take note of common anger triggers and their effects
  • We provide you with clear tools, strategies and recovery guidelines to help you control your emotions better
  • Some therapy treatments we utilize include CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy), DBT (Dialectical Behavioural Therapy), Motivational Interviewing (MI) and Talk Therapy

Forward Mind Counselling is here to help you heal and thrive. Reach out to us to book a session for anger management in Surrey.

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Counselling Services in BC & Anger Management Surrey

F.A.Q. About Anger Management Surrey Services

There are three types of anger which help shape how we react in a situation that makes us angry. These are Passive Aggression, Open Aggression, and Assertive Anger. These three can be help with our Anger Management Surrey services.

While anger in and of itself is not a mental disorder, it can be a symptom associated with several different mental health conditions. There are a lot of  potential causes for someone’s struggles with anger. Let us help you with our Anger Management Surrey services.

When you’re agonizing over the little things, it might be an indication that there are other unresolved issues burdening you. If this is the case, you may have a meltdown at any point. People who tend to overreact generally obsess over matters that don’t align with their expectations, which hinders their ability to think straight about anything else. Our Anger Management Surrey services can help you to be your old self again. 

If you would rather spend time alone than with others, and get annoyed or angry when people talk to you, it may be because you’re an introvert. People with this personality type tend to be more content being solo and find social situations draining.

There are a variety of emotions that can trigger anger, such as embarrassment, fear, anxiety, confusion, and shame. If you’re having difficulty identifying the source of your outbursts, try to remember what emotion you were feeling beforehand. Seeking professional Anger Management Surrey services may be necessary if you cannot find the root cause on your own.

Signs of Anger Issues that can be worked on with our Anger Management Surrey Services: 

  • Are you hurting others either verbally or physically?
  • Do you often feel angry for no reason?
  • Your anger seems to be out of your control.
  • Oftentimes you may say or do things in the heat of the moment that you later come to regret.
  • Are you the type of person that gets angered easily by small or petty things?

Although you cannot completely erase anger, you can still control the intensity and how it impacts you. Different therapies work well in managing anger so that reactions become less common. In some cases, people learn to be more patient when they cannot manage a situation or another person.